About Evers Pharmacy
Evers Pharmacy is conveniently located in New York City to service the entire metropolitan area. Independent ownership enables us to offer a personal, customer-focused, approach to the provision of institutional pharmacy services. There are no 'corporate' policies that limit individualized service and therefore no delay in the development and implementation of solutions to services or issues should they arise.
Evers Pharmacy's founding members have come together after having worked with one another from time to time since 1999. Our founding members each have over 12 years of experience in the pharmacy industry. Our seasoned management team along with well trained staff strive to provide facilities with the trust they need in pharmacy services to be successful in today's ever changing market.

Delivering Service. Making the Personal Possible
What Evers Pharmacy calls its unique service culture is based on a series of insights and beliefs about the person who provides the act of service, and the one who receives it. The first of these is about the people themselves—namely, that the desire to serve is innate, there to be discovered, and not taught by the hiring organization. We can’t pre-check service or sample it—production and consumption are simultaneous. Those few moments of service delivery are a company’s make or break point, when reputation is either confirmed or denied. And the outcome in our industry normally depends on front-line employees: drivers, cashiers, technicians, clerks,—the least compensated people, and often, in too many companies, the least motivated.
Most companies hire for experience and appearance, how the applicants fit the company image. We hire for attitude. We want people who like other people and are, therefore, more motivated to serve them. Competence we can teach. Attitude is ingrained. This thoughtful recruiting is a core aspect of Evers Pharmacy’s service culture, including multiple interviews for every position. The goal is to find candidates with the personal qualities and values described above. Pride of association with the best, pride in the quality of one’s work, and one’s ability to contribute to a team are other key characteristics sought in this process. Evers Pharmacy has taken care to select employees who have these qualities. They are successful people, serving other people, in a way that is genuine and unpretentious, something that is now more important than ever.